Love in Color | Intimate Wedding | Bremerton, WA

One sunny lovely Washington afternoon I decided to take a little solo walk on Ferry adventure to meet Kirsten. We met at a cozy tea shop nestled on a serene island in Washington State. As we settled into our seats with steaming cups of fragrant tea, Kirsten began to recount her captivating love story with Kavan.

With a serene smile, Kirsten painted a picture of how she and Kavan met, and their adventures with their cat’s and moves all around the country.

As Kirsten spoke about their adventures together, her eyes shimmered with a mixture of nostalgia and love. She shared how Kavan's kind-hearted nature and unwavering support had been a steady anchor in her life, guiding her through both joyous moments and challenging times. Pun intended because Kavan is in the Navy!

Through Kirsten's words, I could feel the deep bond that she and Kavan shared, built on a foundation of mutual respect, understanding, and unwavering love. Their love story was a testament to the beauty of finding a soulmate who not only complements you but also uplifts you in ways you never thought possible.

As we finished our tea and said our goodbyes, I couldn't help but be inspired by Kirsten and Kavan's remarkable love story. Their journey was a reminder that true love knows no bounds and can blossom in the most unexpected of places, just like our chat in a cozy tea shop on a Washington State island.

One of the most important things that Kirsten mentioned in our meeting was the color they wanted to capture of their special day, in the mean’s of a Holi tossing they would be doing. Kirsten and Kavan wanted to be covered in color that they made themselves. It was such a fun capture. So scroll down to see that magic.

So from there our partnership in developing AMAZING wedding and engagement photos was created. Kirsten took me along the way for engagement session, boudoir, and getting prepped for the wedding day. And all of these days were so special and beautiful. So ENJOY all the color and beauty that these photos bring.


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